Wednesday 28 October 2015

Lucerne City at Night Time

I was so surprised to find out that the hotel which I stayed back then in 2011, NH Hotel, has now changed its name to Ibis Styles Lucerne. Some reviews over at Tripadvisor mentions that the hotel has changed names at least three times. Not sure what's wrong with the hotel management but anyway...

After having dinner at the hotel, we wander out to see Lucerne city at night time. Our hotel is within walking distance to the city centre area where you can see the world-famous sights in Lucerne, the Chapel Bridge and the octagonal Water Tower. The night lights on the bridge are reflected nicely on the lake. 

Lucerne city at night time

There are not much things to see around 8PM so our tour guide brought us to the train station to see what store still opens at this timing. As expected, the train station feels so void. It is really different pace from the Asian culture, whereby the train stations in Asia are still bustling mad at 8PM. Okay, to be honest, the business of Asian train stations last until the last train near midnight. So, this is new to me. Hahaha. 

Train Station in Lucerne Switzerland

Saw a funny advert about lottery. Why the advert mentions the word "lose" at the bottom? Wondering if this means to stop people from gambling because they can lose whatever they earn anytime. 

Switzerland advert about lottery

Thankfully, there is one mini market which was still opened in the train station. When you are in Switzerland, you must buy a lot of chocolates. So many limited edition chocolate from Switzerland's famous chocolate brands like Lindt. Even the Ritter Sport looks different in Switzerland. I have never seen this flavor called Stracciatella before. Mind you, all these chocolates are bought in the normal train station mini market. 

Chocolates from Switzerland

Other than the chocolates, we also tried different kind of biscuits and cookies. All of them looks quite interesting and yummy. 

All the other stores apart from the mini market have closed so we wandered back to our hotel. One last picture of the Chapel Bridge before we wrapped up the day. 


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